Support for Reading
It is essential that all children learn to read fluently if they are to go on and access a broad curriculum throughout their education. However, children can develop and progress at different rates and need different levels of support at different times in their education. We closely monitor the reading development and progress of all children, starting as soon as they access our Early Years provision, and we take action where and when we feel they need more support.
If you have any concerns about your child's reading development, first of all contact your child's Class Teacher. You can also speak to our Reading Specialist Teacher, Mrs Towle, and/or our Phonics Leader, Miss Baker.
If you have concerns regarding your child's Special Educational Needs impacting on their reading development (including concerns about dyslexia), please feel free to contact our SENCO, Miss Radford. Follow this link to our webpage focused on support for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.