Message From Mr Walker
Happy New Year!
I hope all of our Blidworth Oaks community had a great Christmas and New Year!
We have flown straight into our new topics across school for this term. It was a good to see many of you at our learning carousels in Years 1-6 on the first day back to join in with launching our new topics. If you haven't received a copy of your child’s topic newsletter yet, then please see your child’s class teacher.
Termly Learning Celebrations
It was one of our best turn outs for our TLCs —despite some dodgy weather! Thank you to everyone who came along. If you haven't managed to get a TLC with your child’s class teacher yet, please contact the school office or your child’s teacher directly and we’ll get one arranged for you.
Thank you to everyone who completed a questionnaire at the TLCs. The positive response on the questionnaires is quite simply overwhelming along with some excellent suggestions and ideas as well. We intend to analyse these over the next few weeks and we will hold our next Head Teacher Coffee Morning to discuss the questionnaire responses. If you haven't yet managed to complete a questionnaire, please call into our school office before next Friday 25th January.
Well done to the Y6 football team who were unfortunately knocked out of the second round of the cup last week. Leen Mills were excellent opposition but our children battled on with an outstanding performance from Louie in goal and Rey in midfield.
We also sent a 16 person team along to a Sports Hall Athletics tournament this week. We didn't progress to the district finals but, despite a lack of training, our children put in some excellent performances, particularly in the sprint events. Well done all!
You may already have seen our new school Facebook page—Blidworth Oaks Primary School. Please like our page as we will be developing this further in the coming weeks to celebrate some of the things happening in our school and to keep you informed of upcoming events.