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Blidworth Oaks

Primary School

Aspiration Resilience Respect Inclusion Responsibility Inspiration

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Message From Mr Walker

Hello Everyone


Holiday Club/Childcare

Hopefully you all received a letter regarding our new childcare provision for school holidays starting this February half term. Initially we are starting this for children aged 4-11 but, if successful, we will look at rolling this prevision out to younger age groups. Please see our school website or call our school office for more details.



BOPZONE has been back this week with 15 new after school clubs offering over 300 places. We do still have some availability so please contact our school office if you would like to find another BOPZONE club for your child to attend.


Y5&6 Futsal Tournament

We entered a Futsal team into the district tournament this week and came a fantastic second place! This was mixed boy and girl team and they worked superbly together to achieve a great result. Well done! There is a Year 3&4 Futsal Tournament taking place next week.


Y1 Multi-Skills Festival

Year 1 travelled to Joseph Whitaker School this week for a Multi-Skills Festival—some of our children are pictured overcoming the balancing beams!. Their attitudes towards sports were excellent and we have some budding sports stars of the future in that group!


IJump PE Sessions

Next Tuesday we have IJump PE sessions taking place in school for Years 1-4 so please can you make sure children have their PE kits in school for that.


Parent SEND Meeting

Our next parents meeting for parents of children with additional needs is set for the next Thursday 31st January at 9am. This is an informal meeting to provide support networks, signpost to services and provide feedback to school on how we can better meet the needs of pupils with additional needs. All existing and new members are welcome. Please come to the school office.


