Message from Mr Walker
Dear Parents/Carers
A lot has been happening over the past few weeks as we enter the final stages of this academic year. Please make a note of all of the remaining school dates (see list).
House Champions 2019—BRINSLEY!!!!!
Brinsley House were named as House champions for the second year running. This was thoroughly deserved as they have topped the leader board throughout the year despite having less children! They were rewarded with a trip to Alton Towers today. They were also joined on the trip by the children who collected the most Value Points from the remaining Houses; well done the Rachel P from Hazel, Izzie M from Abdy and Grace G from Blackshale.
Tri Golf Champions
For the fifth year running our Tri Golf Team have been awarded the Gold Medal position for the district Tri Golf Tournament that took place this week! What an achievement! They will now go on to represent the school at the County Games Finals next Friday in Nottingham! Good luck golfers!
Mansfield Town Football Club Y5&6 Girls’ Tournament—Winners (Pictured Right)
Another huge congratulations to the girls football team who came out champions at the recent MTFC football tournament at the RH Academy. They will receive their medals and trophy in an assembly on Friday 12th July.
Quad Kids Athletics (Pictured Right Below)
We achieved our highest position in an athletics competition ever when we took a Year 4&5 team to the district Quad Kids Athletics tournament last week. They have worked so hard for this and achieved a superb position out of the ten schools who made it to the tournament.
School Fete
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our school Fete this year—particularly to the parents and staff who gave up their time to organise, set up and run the event. We raised just over £1000 which will all go towards our new mini bus!
New Class Days— Wednesday 3rd and 10th July
Please don’t forget New Class Days on the 3rd and 10th July where children will get the chance to spend the day with their new class teachers in order to help prepare them for September. Children will still enter and leave school via their usual doors and their normal classrooms. Please also don’t forget about the New Class Meetings at 3.30pm on the 10th July—all family members welcome.
The sunshine is back!
The warm weather is back and hopefully here to stay. Please remember to send your children with clothing suitable for the weather. Children will need sun hats. Ideally children will put on long lasting sun cream before they come to school. We also keep children out of direct sunlight for long periods. But if you do decide to send your child with sun-cream, please ensure this is labelled with your child’s name. Children will be expected to apply their own sun-cream—please talk to your child’s class teacher if you feel they are unable to do this.
Mr Walker