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Blidworth Oaks

Primary School

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Message from Mr Walker

Dear Parents/Carers
It’s the end of another year at Blidworth Oaks and once again we are looking back over the year with pride. Just a few things left to catch you up on:
Sports Day Champions
We managed to complete Sports Day eventually! Thank you to everyone who came to support our mini sports day on Monday. Every child who competed in a sports day event has earned points for their house. All of the points have been added together and we can reveal that the House who are this year’s Sports Day Champions are HAZEL HOUSE!
We know there are still some children in Years 4-6 who have not received sports day medals. These have been ordered and we will make sure all children receive them. This was due to an ordering error by the head teacher… ooops! Apologies to all of those children but I will make sure you get those medals!!!
Sports Award...GOLD!!!
For the fifth year running our school has been awarded a GOLD school games award! This award is for schools who teach and partici-pate in a wide range of sports. It is an incredibly difficult award for primary schools to achieve so we are extremely proud to have been awarded this for five years in a row.
End of Year Assemblies
It has been great to see so many people at our end of year assemblies. Reading, Writing, Maths, Values, Arts, Sports—We have given out over 150 trophies and medals throughout the awards. We are so proud of the children’s achievements this year.
Goodbye Year 6
Once again we say goodbye to our Year 6 children. This year 6 have really been terrific. They have led by example, completing their roles with seriousness and reliability. They have also achieved our highest SATs scores yet. You have got such exciting futures ahead Year 6. We hope you all keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.
New Parent Governors
We have had a great response to our Parent Governor elections earlier this term. Thank you to all those who nominated themselves and to everyone who voted—our turnout was much better than normal. I am pleased to announce that Mrs Helen Pritchett and Mr John Taylor will be joining our governing body once we return in September.
Holiday Club—You can book at any time!
Please don’t forget that we have childcare provision available at school for the first four weeks of the summer holidays—Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6pm. Sessions can be booked through your school gateway app or by calling the club direct on 01623 791966 or on the club mobile on 07716146174.
Contacting us during the Summer
Although the school office is now closed for the summer, you can still contact us. You can contact us by email on or through our Facebook page, Blidworth Oaks Primary School. We may not get back to you straight away but we will as soon as we can. The office will reopen for business again during the INSET days in September.
Have a fantastic summer everyone