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Blidworth Oaks

Primary School

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Message from Mr Walker

Opening the New Park

Anyone who made our Easter Fair last year may have contributed to the design of the new park next to the gym in Blidworth. Our Integrity children were invited by the Parish Council to the official opening this week and they loved the new equipment!


Girls’ Football

Two girls football tournaments took place this week. Our Y3/4 team entered a Year 6 tournament which was, as you might expect, very tough!. Their spirit was superb though and well done to Sophia for player of the match. The Year 6 team had an excellent tournament, narrowly missing out on a semi final place. Well done to Izzie as the player of that tournament!


Halloween Disco

A HUGE thank you once again to our Friends of Blidworth Oaks Parents Committee who organised our Halloween Disco fundraiser on Wednesday evening this week for Middle and Upper School. The children loved it in their brilliant costumes (and the staff!). Foundation and Lower School will have their own Christmas fundraising event in December.


Y3 Residential

Year 3 have spent the last two days in Sherwood Forest enjoying their residential event, staying overnight at the Youth Hostel there. When I visited them last night, their highlight so far had been the trip to the fair!


Fantastic Finishes

Wow! What brilliant ways to finish our latest topics! Foundation enjoyed their Halloween events; Lower School held a dinosaur exhibition; Middle School had their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dress-up day; and Upper School finished with a Victorian Day, roping many parents into school to help with sewing and baking! Brilliant!

Have a great half term everyone

