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Blidworth Oaks

Primary School

Aspiration Resilience Respect Inclusion Responsibility Inspiration

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Message from Mr Walker

Hello everyone


Jingle Jog

Year 4 and 5 took part in a ‘Jingle Jog’ around Sherwood Pines on Monday morning alongside hundreds of children from school across the area. Dressed in Christmas hats (photo) they jogged their way around a hilly, woodland route in the winter sunshine as part of the ‘Race for Life’.


Year 6 Residential

Most of Year 6 have been on Residential this week to Whitmore Lakes Adventure Centre in Staffordshire (Photos). They have been having an amazing time climbing, abseiling and taking part in Archery and Fencing to name just a few of the activities. A huge thank you to the staff/volunteers who have been with them and supported this trip.


Choir—Blidworth Lights Switch On

Our choir set off on their first performance of the festive season last weekend when they performed at the Blidworth Lights Switch On event. They have put in such a lot of rehearsal time, both at Choir club and playtimes, and I do hope you get the chance to hear them at one of their many festive performances in the coming weeks. Well done children for representing our school and doing us proud!


Cross Country

Our Cross Country girls and boys teams were out again last weekend at Berry Hill Park to compete in the Winter League. Another soggy, wintery event didn't get the children down or affect the turnout. There is one more event of the Winter League left at Wollaton Park on the 8th December.


High 5/Reading Challenge

Please be aware that the cut off date for this term’s Reading Challenge and the High 5 Reward is next Friday 7th December (details on our website). So get those extra reads in and collect as many Value Points as you can. Also, don’t forget that the Spring Term challenges start immediately the following week (week beginning the 10th December) so don’t get caught out with that!


Have a great weekend

