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Blidworth Oaks

Primary School

Aspiration Resilience Respect Inclusion Responsibility Inspiration

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Message from Mr Walker

Welcome back everyone! We have had an amazing start to the school year—superb working attitudes and over 2500 Value Points!

Congratulations Miss Winfield and Welcome Mr Punni

You may have noticed a change in our PE teachers already this year. We are delighted and very proud to inform you that Miss Winfield has now started her adoption leave! We wish her all the very best and hope to see her and baby soon! We are very lucky that Mr Punni has stepped into the role so quickly and efficiently and I am sure you will make him very welcome at our school.

Girls Football

Girls football has already started with a BANG!There were three girls events this week: a mini friendly tournament against Sutton Road School; a 1-1 draw against Kingsway in the first league match of the season; and a 2-1 win for our Y5 girls against St. Mary’s in Edwinstowe. What a brilliant start! It is the turn of the boys next.


It was great to see so many of you at the TLCs this week. We always do these meetings early to give you a chance to meet your child’s new teacher and discuss plans for the year.


BOPZONE Starts up again Monday (Please note: Wednesday clubs start the following week). We do still have some spare spaces—please call in at the office. If you are unsure of which club your child is in, contact any member of staff who can find this out for you. I hope everyone enjoys this great club offer!


